Anthony's Mac arrived. Big and white and impressive.
He hooked it up, and what did we do first? Spent an hour playing with the "photo booth" -- the camera in the monitor.

Tonight I made another Farmers' Market meal - fresh green beans (sauteed in butter and garlic), oven roasted sweet potatoes, salads of arugula and romaine (with pepper and tomato condimenti from our garden) - with fish and chicken from Costco. Afterwards, the kids and I were dancing to the Little River Band CD I was playing (they'd had halloween candy, I had a martini). Their dad was whistling and doing the dishes. I swear, Anthony, Anna, and Colin are the best Saturday night date I've ever had!
I have been laughing out loud since I started reading your blog tonight! The photos are great fun...somebody is going to have to teach me some tricks :) !!! Sigh, and then after I stop laughing...I find myself wishing we lived next door to you guys. Can't wait to see my good friends in January...if not sooner. xoxo! DeeDra
I said what i needed to in the email. I'm not suppose to talk about part of my contract. I just remembered....
has there been some sort of spatial anomaly in texas? a disturbance? whatever is happening, it seems to be affecting the way light is captured in your camera... or is that steve jobs last laugh for his bank deposit today?
since you didn't build a linux box, leopard X was a good 2nd choice. we miss you guys.
Looks like you had a great evening!
Those are both disturbing and funny. I have mac envy. Serious mac envy. How big is the screen? CPU is built into the screen, right? All the drives too, right? no big cinderblock cpu on the floor, huh. Then you go showing all the photography fun it can do. So envious.
I, too, am envious. Mr. Man loves linux but me, not so much. It can't even run itunes. Suck.
Just to clarify, my new iMac is NOT white. It is certainly big and impressive along with brilliant, clear and bright. The 24" display is housed in a machined aluminium frame. Can you tell I think pretty highly of it? This is coming from the least likely Mac convert ever. So long Microsoft...
Wonderful pictures,Jenn...scary too...
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