Beverly is loved by everyone, young and old. At the drop-in luncheon today at her house, there were no peers, just youngsters and older ladies like myself who admire her.

Colin and Graham were thrilled to find her papasan chair. They curled up together and read Skippyjon Jones. (thanks, Auntie Emily!)

Stephanie, with her typical generosity, brought a basket of loot any teenager would love (new hairdryer, make up, Venus shaving kit, fuzzy personal blanket). The basket was so big, Paige curled up in it, imitating a kitten.

We ate lots of home cooked carbs. The kids ran outside in the beautiful Indian Summer sunshine, fed the horses next door, and checked out a cool spider in the blackberry bush.

A very nice day, indeed.
Lovely,lovely pics...
I'm so glad you posted about this and shared the pictures. I was sorry to miss it. Bev is such a sweetheart and very loved, as you mentioned. It's great seeing pics of my beautiful family.
Happy Birthday, Beverly!
So sorry I missed the party since I had to travel to El Paso on business. Thanks for the pics - love the one of the guys reading together! Who is the little girl Paige is holding onto in the spider pic?
I remember the day Beverly was born like yesterday - 18 years ago? No way!!! She is a blessing!
Love, M
Well, I guess this is a good time to re-enter the commenting part of my cousin's blogs!
I had a WONDERFUL day yesterday! I love kids, cousins,family, and having everyone over was fantastic. Thank you all who came to celebrate my big day. I feel like an adult already!!!! (Yes, its only been a day). Ha ha.
Cousin Bevie
Thank you, for coming with Colin to celebrate Bev's big day. You are all so very special to us. On Friday she has a spa party (pedicures ect) with her peers - more fun! Love ya...C
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