
This is severe, advanced periodontal disease. This is what can happen if you don't brush your teeth for 13 years. Yeah, that is hair between and under the roots of the teeth.

Ah, much better. I pulled 21 teeth, leaving just 3 behind. She'll be so much healthier for it. It took about 3 1/2 hours of work to remove the teeth, debride the sockets, fill them with consil (a synthetic bone graft), and suture the gingival flaps. It was tiring and disgusting, but I get a real sense of accomplishment, knowing how much I have improved this dog's health and quality of life. Not to mention her breath!
Oh, Lord, that is nasty!!!!!!!!!!
As I look at that first photo, all I can think of is how awful it must have smelled! Yikes! I'd bet it was pretty uncomfortable, too... that will be a very happy dog without a mouthful of gunk.
OH, YUCK! That is sooo nasty!
Moral of the story:
Is that old food sitting between the teeth? *ugggg*
Good goin',Jenn!I don't know how you did it,but I woulda totally flipped out due to the horrific smell!
Urrrgh!!! Yuk Yuk Yuk!!! Rather you than me Jenn
Well I could smell it from here!!! and thank goodness you said at the end that the mouth belongs to a DOG!!! you had me worried for a while :o) my opinion is that whoever the owner is should be shot! nobody but nobody could miss those rotten teeth..Well done,Jenn.xx
I'm here with U. Ken. We agree that's pretty nasty!
I've loved this post so much I even linked to it. I LOVE this sort of work, instant gratification and such a difference in the animal's life quality and health. Am a big fan indeed.
Jenn Jenn, could you please post something new and pleasant, I have checked your blog a few times now and that image is just so jarring. I am always hoping to see a smiling Anna or sly Colin up to something...and instead I see green hairy teeth. Por favor, as P&G would say, lo cambio por favor.
Okay, NOT A BIG ENOUGH WARNING before you actually see the pictures. But that poor dog. I'm so happy you could make it feel better. How's the chicken?
Hello. I followed the link on Lionness's site and I have to say I admire you for making that dog feel so much better. The poor creature had to deal with that for so long and that is quite sad. Thank you for helping the dog.
Jennifer - I'm another blogging vet. My current blog is not public, but I'm thinking of starting another. My question is this: do you worry about confidentiality issues, posting pictures like that, or telling stories in your blog? Do you get permission or just hope for the best? Thanks!
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