Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Tips for those with Preschoolers

When you present a beautiful china plate, with strategically placed morsels of smoked turkey, honey-baked ham, mashed potatoes with Daddy's special LAKE of gravy, stuffing made from sprouted wheat bread from Whole Foods and mushrooms and homegrown and cleaned and chopped herbs not to mention the organic free range chicken broth, and the aforementioned roasted veggies (which were absolutely beautiful but of course I forgot to take an after photo) and the little cherubs who have been sitting at the set table for an hour begging for food on their fancy plates, 'cause they're so hungry from eating a light breakfast and then going to the park while everything was heating in the oven, when after all that they turn up their little noses at the FEAST we've been talking about for days...

Put some cheerios on their china plate. It doesn't look good but will temporarily stop the howling so you can enjoy your turkey and the wine.

After the cheerios are gone, you can succumb to the Dora, too. Or more Seeduction rolls. Anna ate 2 1/2 rolls for her feast!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes I can sympathise with all of that Jenn, which is exactly why I have no expectations whatsoever about Lukey joining us at the dinner table for christmas lunch. We have tried numerous Sunday lunches and it always ends up with my dinner going cold whilst I try and cajole him into eating his food only for him to turn his nose up at it and demand something entirely different!! Anyway, hope you had a good time!!! XXX

Anonymous said...

P.S. Jenn, excuse my Runcornian ignorance but what are seeduction rolls? they sound pretty cool!!!

Anonymous said...

What's up with the picky eaters all of a sudden? I woulda eaten everthing on my sounded REALLY delicious!

I guess if nothing else will "tame the beast"........give them cheereos(sp?)!!!!!!!

Happy Turkey and fixin's day!


Anonymous said...

Welll...I DID offer to come along to help you eat it all,Jenn!! kids will be kids and they will eat what THEY want to eat :o)I suppose 'seeduction' rolls are like the bread that I eat nowadays..with sesame seeds on top,and poppy seeds etc inside? xx

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if that was what they were aunty Norma??!!!

Vetmommy said...

Yes, you guys are right - the Seeduction Rolls are a grainy seedy bread from Whole Foods (natural grocery store). I actually tried to find a link to show them to you when I wrote the post, but none was available. As you can see, they were universally loved!

Vetmommy said...

PS Aunty Norma guacamole is a mashed avocado dip, used as a condiment in mexican foods. You should try it - its delicious, and avocado oil is very good for lowering blood cholesterol.

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks Jenn for clearing that up, they sound lovely. That Whole Foods Store sounds very good, doesn't Steph have one that she visits as well?

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Jennifer,but is it just Avocado,and if not what do I mix with it,please..I am interested in anything that lowers my Cholestrol now...once when your parents came over to stay with us, your Mum bought us some Avocados (wasn't too keen I remember)so bland she just served them on a plate..anyone else agree with me? or does everybody else have a more delicate palate than me?

Anonymous said...

The only time I had avocado on its own I really didn't like it at all, but it is delicious served in a warm toasted sandwich with cheese. Does that make me strange??!!

Anonymous said...

Does that make me strange??!! hahahaha don't worry,'re not on your own.I love all fruits... Veggies especially..but Avocado..:o( not unless Jennifer gives me a 'lil tip about how to make it into a spicy Mexican dressing. xx

Unknown said...

Avocados are so scrumptious. Funny that we are talking about them here and turkey on Em's blog, because I got through my first trimester of preggiedom with twins by eating avocados with fresh squeezed lemon juice and salt for lunch EVERYDAY for 13 weeks. The turkey was at the opposite end of the food spectrum....gag.

Thanks for making me feel better Jenn. I was totally stressing about my kids behaviour at the Thanksgiving table (esp since it was in front of -- dun dun dun -- the Grandparents) and I even had guilty visions of Anna and Colin sitting sweetly as they do everytime I am around (meanwhile my kids run around like wild mongrels). Well, I'm sure you did ply yours with Cheerios. We opted for tbspfuls of red wine in mini wine glasses! Not kidding! But they liked those too much and begged and begged for more, so we had to switch to apple juice. They weren't too bummed, though, since normally they get diluted juice and this was FULL STRENGTH. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh Steph!!! Isn't it always the way, always in front of the "GRANDPARENTS"!!! Luke is really bad at sitting still at the table, really, really bad, like you say, he just runs around like a wild mongrel and meanwhile, I get more and more stressed. I comfort myself with that old favourite "he'll grow out of it". XX

The Library Lady said...

Poor Jenn. But cheer up, it's the same everywhere! At our gathering my 2 year old nephew ate a few spoonfuls of the risotto I made (preeen, preen because he ate that instead of his mother's gourmet vegetarian offerings) and then began to run amok. His mom ended up sitting on the floor watching him and eating what she could.

And it does get easier. My daughters JR (6) and SC (10) sat nicely, ate most of what was offered them, and used their table manners. Of course, it's a different story at home, but they did follow the script for Grandma and Grandpa, which is where it counts!

Hope the grown ups appreciated the food because it sounds great to me!