Here are our winter veggies, that will be sacrificed tomorrow, roasted in olive oil, and consumed with turkey: butternut squash, beets, turnips, onions, garlic, and the last little eggplants from our garden.

Gosh, I hope we have enough food (there is no room in the fridge).

Colin is mesmerized by his first glimpse of Star Wars.
The veggies look great - how cute is Colin !!!!! Have a great day XXX
That's how I like to watch Star Wars, too, in the nude! (j/k)
Your veggies do look beautiful. I forgot butternut squash...
Miss you, Jenn.
Nudie buns nudie buns, how cute are those! We forgot the butternut but we also have no nudie butt. Miss you. Happy feasting.
What a cutie Colin is! Uh-Oh - the Star Wars thing has begun! =)
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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