Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bevie's Here!

Yesterday I picked up my cousin, Beverly. She is staying with us for a week to fill in while our regular babysitter is going to her college orientation. Its great having her here. We all enjoy her company, and she is very easy to be around. She is also very helpful at all times, not just when she is "on duty" as the babysitter. Making dinner while Bev plays never ending games of "Hide and Go Boo" was much easier.

But the best was when I got to go to Costco ALL BY MYSELF! We realized there were things we needed from Costco, and Anthony was too busy with work to go, and it was time for Colin's nap. So, Beverly stayed at the house and watched Cinderella with Anna.

I had never been to Costco alone. It was great, browsing the isles at my own pace without anyone interrupting me with demands. I could look at the (boring) books as long as I wanted. I didn't have to share my samples. So nice...


Anonymous said...

I've had a great time being here with Anna and Colin. This afternoon Anna decided she wanted to play with her dress-up clothes.She looked like such a princess in her attire(I took some pics of both kids)! Not to be left out on the dress up fun, Colin picked out some "princessie" shoes,then tried to play soccer!That didn't work out too well...so he soon gave up. =)

At the moment Colin is taking a nap,and Anna and I are watching Cinderella...again. Love-Bev-

Anonymous said...

I go to Cosco alone lots. I never share my lunch gimmes..........
I used to have some little tyke with me at all times, very often 3 little ones. (especially when it was BR time).
Now I have my dog! And, unlike when I had my Buick to drive around in, with leather, dog hair repulsive seats, I do not take her with me everywhere. Oh well. C'est la vie!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn from Carmel, CA! We are enjoying several DAYS of no whining, no pestering and no neeeeeeeeeding. But then we are also finding ourselves quoting the little buggers all day, too. And when we enjoy something, we seem to say, "Ooh, Graham would love these berries" or "Paigie would like that. mmmm hmmm"

Enjoy Bevie. She's amazing! -Steph

Emily said...

I agree Bev is such a great help and fun to be with! I can't wait until I have kids that she can come visit. :-) She definitely helped save my sanity when I was there for a week!
Have fun. Love you all.