Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Work hazard

I spent my lunch hour unblocking a tomcat who could not pee.  He was a huge 17 pounder with a tiny penis.  Many jokes were made.  Fortunately the patient was asleep and could not hear them.

Of course I wore gloves, but afterwards I kept smelling cat pee.  I washed my hands repeatedly, but still.  Washed my arms.  But now I figured it out - its in my watchband.


Lisa said...


Back in my youth, when I worked at a burger joint (Waterloo Ice House, if you must know), all my work clothes smelled like burgers even after I'd washed them. But that's better than cat pee.

Emily said...

Glad you were able to help the poor guy out.
But Ew.

Anonymous said...

EWWWWWW is the only word that comes to mind here!

Lisa said...

Great minds...

Anonymous said...

Cat pee is bad, but the lingering oder of expressed anal glands tops them all. How many times have you washed and rewashed your hands, arms, etc only to finally discover a small amount somewhere on your scrubs? It's the smell that keeps on smelling.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking this could be a new toast, like, "here's mud in your eye" only "here's tomcat piss in your watch!"