Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The gift that keeps on giving.

So my wonderful mother watched my children while I was gone AND cleaned my house.  There was a time this would have embarrassed me, but now I just feel gratitude.  She also changed all the sheets and did all the laundry.  Today being Wednesday, the day I usually make a feeble attempt to clean and straighten the house, I suddenly found myself with all this freedom.  It was great to just relax with houseguests (Lindsey and Fran), then do some food shopping and cooking, before the kids came home for their usual Wednesday after school activities.

I am thinking I really need to find a maid service!


peevish said...

Do it! I sure wish I could.

Plus you'll be helping the economy!

Sinda said...

I love it!

I have to warn you, though about getting a house cleaner - it is surprisingly stressful. You have to get the house ready for them, and there's a hard and fast deadline. They don't pick up, necessarily, or if they, do they don't know where things go and it takes their precious scrubbing time, so the night/morning before ours come, we run around like crazy putting all of our crappe away.

I know this is a first world problem of the first degree, but honestly, I'm looking forward to next week when she doesn't come and I'm off and can do it all at my own pace!

Emily said...

I'm glad you can accept her gift of cleaning -- you know she does it out of love! (And I agree, you are WAY too busy and deserve a good maid service. You have better things to do with your time!)