Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers' Day!

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Anthony's parents recently reached their 50th wedding anniversary, and we celebrated this weekend by treating them to a weekend at The Inn where our friends got married. It was perfect for them, relaxing, informal but pampering, with excellent food. We stayed out there with them on Friday night, and dined with them on Saturday night as well.

My parents generously volunteered to come watch our kiddos while were were celebrating, but we did get to take them and Anna and Colin back to the Inn this morning for a lavish Mother's Day Brunch. The gardens there are so beautiful, and it is very peaceful and pastoral.

The only fly in the ointment was Colin spiking another fever on Saturday around noon, which rapidly progressed to flushed cheeks, glazed eyes, and vomiting just before we had a photographer scheduled to come over to take family portraits. Poor baby, he languished in his bed with his feverish eyes rolling back in his head. This morning he woke up perky but a little hot and very rashy. I recognized scarlet fever (which sounds so much worse than it usually is). He did pretty well overall, putting away plenty of food at the buffet, then spent most of the afternoon watching videos. I'll take him tomorrow to the pediatrician to get antibiotics.

We did have a nice moment this afternoon, walking down to the creek in our Wellies to catch polliwogs. Anna's class has been studying pond life. Her teacher told me there were kits she could buy of frog eggs to show the kids the life cycle of the frog, but you had to euthanize the adults at the end (in the freezer) since they are non-native species and therefore unreleasable. Of course she knew she couldn't do this so she didn't order them. I told her it was really easy to raise tadpoles; we did it last year. So she asked if we could catch some for her classroom. The kids easily scooped up a ton of tadpoles with plastic cups, some big and some tiny, as well as some algae for them to eat, some tiny snails, and some microscopic beetles. The toads that hatch can be released into the park, and we'll take home any that don't complete metamorphosis by the end of school - just 11 days away!


peevish said...

Poor Colin. I hope he is all better soon.

The tadpoles are so much fun! But microscopic beetles? How did you know they were there?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time but poor Colin, hope he is feeling better. XX

Emily said...

You're such a cool mom. I bet that teacher loves you.

Vetmommy said...

Lisa - the beetles are like these little tiny dots, the size of the dot on an 'i', zipping around the corners of the container. Very entertaining to watch!

Krispy said...

are you sure they aren't sea monkeys?
