Tuesday, December 19, 2006

That's Amore

Vino the hamster, being a wee creature, needs little, but he does benefit from our healthy eating habits. Every night as I make dinner, I put aside little tidbits for him. The leafy end of a piece of lettuce or spinach is a huge dinner salad for him. He loves the end bits of cucumber or zucchini, leaving behind a thin green skin. He perches on our pepper tops and eats all the seeds and the tiny bit of remaining flesh. The occasional bean, edamame, or rice grain gets sucked down whole into his cheek pouch for later.

So, as I'm chopping tonight's meal, leaving a little Vino pile on the side of my cutting board (the rest goes into the compost), I suddenly realize I've never given him garlic. Hmm... its full of antioxidants, and I definitely want him to live as long as hamsterly possible. I set aside the tiny woody piece at the end of the clove for him, and chop the rest for our meal.

I put the garlic, lettuce, squash, and pepper in his cage. He comes out, scampering around, sniffing everything, then drags the tiny piece of garlic halfway to his hidey hole, and devours most of it, before eating anything else.

With a name like Vino, he's got to be Italian!


Unknown said...

Ugh, yuck -- cute story the way you tell it but really jenn, a rodent with garlic? That's not my favorite combo. Making my preggie nausea face now...

peevish said...

That is so funny! He and Michael should get to know each other better. When we were dating, Michael took some of those garlic tablets every day with his vitamins. I made him stop because I couldn't stand the smell. It was really strong!

Emily said...

Vino is so cute. I enjoyed feeding him tidbits when I was there. He's definitely a foodie.

Anonymous said...

hahaha he knows which Family he belongs too,then,huh,Jenn? I have NEVER heard of a Hamster eating Garlic!...hope you're feeling better,lovey. xx

Leah said...

You need to post a picture of little Vino eating his salad with garlic. I miss seeing him at work.

Anonymous said...

I loved this story...we have a hamster that is so cute and good...we just love her. I am never sure if it's okay to feed her vegies, so that's good to know-I"ve given her raisins and carrots before but nothing else. Now, I'll try it!

paula said...

I'm with Steph on the yucky/cute side. Rodents and stinky garlic. I used to love eating garlic but stopped when I couldn't stand the smell of my own pee (it really does secrete from everywhere). Sorry Steph, guess that hasn't helped with the nausea.