And here's Anna, wearing her costume and holding her pumpkin. She helped clean it, designed the face and cut it out herself (we have some safe serrated pumpkin carving tools). She was so proud, and so was I.
I made her costume with a painted sweatshirt. I looked EVERYWHERE (even on-line) for a blue sweatshirt and found none. Eventually I settled for navy. I couldn't believe my luck when I found a blue propeller hat just like Pablo's at Goodwill.

Here she is at the park, waiting for our annual neighborhood Halloween Parade. Colin has been sick with fever so he didn't attend this year (fortunately after a long nap he woke up chipper and more like his old self. Hopefully there will be photos of him tomorrow).

The parade was to be at 3 pm, and we got there 10 minutes early because Anna was just so excited! But by 3, it was just us and the neighborhood association lady. But slowly over the next 30 minutes, more costumed children arrived. It really is great to see all of them in their costumes in the daylight. Finally, we had enough for our little parade.

Pablo runs to catch up with some of the other kids.
Aww! Anna looks so cute as PABLO! What a great costume! Tell her I was Pocahontas at my costume party! I hope Colin-O is feeling better! I hope you all have a SPOOKY Halloween!!!
Anna looks so cute - what a fab costume!!! We have NOTHING like that round here, you tend to get the odd little sod knocking on your front door dressed in a black bin liner demanding money with menances!!!! Well, sort of!! XX
Ok, I meant "demanding money with menaces" This damned keyboard!!
Very cute costume...I love it because its creative and different from the stereotypical: witch,princess...etc...
YES! I would love to see Colin in his fireman outfit.....
Happy Halloween!
Wow, Jenn, good job making a Pablo costume! When I heard that's what she wanted to be, I was wondering how you'd pull it off. Nice work!
I Love Pablo!!!! Love, Nana
She looks adorable!
Boy, I am going to have to sneak in some kid TV--now that JR is 6 I don't see the little kid stuff and I need to keep familiar with popular shows--if only to explain to library patrons WHY I don't have the books to go with the series! I managed never to SEE the Backyardigans--is that a good thing?
Wow, HaPpY HaLloWeEn Pablo and little under-the-weather boy. I am sitting here waiting for my Punk Rock Princess and my Chef to wake up from their nap. I have on my black wig and incognito makeup but still have on mommy clothes (will tranform into secret agent soon...) I'm so excited, but it looks like it's going to rain...
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