Anthony loves me, and loves technology. We weren't supposed to get each other Christmas gifts, since we got the new Macs. But he still got me a Ipod Mini in my favorite color, green. This thing is amazing - so tiny, as big as 20 business cards stacked together. And it plays beautiful video.
So last night I finally get around to checking out the ITunes store, and I'm searching for some new music, listening to lots of song samples.
What do end up downloading? Crowded House and Howard Jones. So I am basically picking up with my IPod where I left off with my Walkman at age 15.
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame.
Honey, you are so right. I do love, love, love you. However, I have to explain that it's an "iPod". Unfortunately, any other derivation of the Caps and lower case of those letters just doesn't make sense. Kinda like the iStore - right Jessica!
I have enjoyed listening to your selections; see I was about 17-18 when those songs were so popular. I'm still "sending my love along the wire" to you. I guess it's really the Internet (VoIP) these days, but still a wire. You are "Just what I needed" and it's been "Magic" for all these years. LYLAH
I love your last comment...picking up where the walkman left off! Isn't that the truth. I sooo love "No One is to Blame", one of my favorite songs. My van has XM radio, and one of my favorite stations is the 80's. I got John an iPod for Christmas, too. He loves it.
I would like to comment sagaciously, but, unhappily, I have no idea what you are saying.
I just became one of the digital music toters, not with the pod, but it's amazingly liberating NOT to have to wrangle cd's. I think I have about 20 albums on my 4Gig'er, and it's not even half full yet.
BTW: new art!! what is up with the new vetmommy logo? neato. is there a story?
I like the new look!
Have fun with your tunes. May I recommend some Andrew Bird or Feist? Or perhaps Flight of the Conchords.
I don't remember seeing that gift when I was there, but way to go, Anthony! I'm very envious. I've been looking at those for a while, but since my mini is still going strong, I have a hard time justifying the upgrade to myself.
Mr Man, no story with the new art. I was just bored with the old template. I found the image via a google image search. I wish I was clever enough to center it and move the text (ie wish I had enough time to learn enough html). Maybe after we get photoshop for Macs.
I am not too sure about the colors, but at least its different. Thanks for the positive comments from CO.
I like your new look! I have a 2-year-old Nano. Nothing fancy, but it does the trick.
My hubby gave me an iPod last year for Christmas and I love it, particularly when I'm headed on business trips. I've found that I'm exploring all kinds of music that I never would have, when required to buy whole albums (or CD's or whatever the current semantics dictate). Free music Tuesdays at the iTunes Store have helped, too!!
I couldn't use an iPod if you paid me, no idea whatsoever. I too love Crowded House and Howard Jones, but, I do have a car radio with a CD player!! Oh yes, and I can access radio through t'internet. Mind you, you can tell how lacking in tech saviness I am by my lack of Digital Camera, do you know you actually can't buy 35mm camera film in Runcorn anymore (sob...).
The times they are a changing...Music is just the tip of the iceberg...I'm taking an online graduate stat class at TAMU and it is possible to download the streaming video lectures to your iPod to watch on the go...this is a technology I hope to add to both the online and traditional classes I teach by the end of the year.
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