Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hi Mom!

This was my patient for today. She's the mom of my cats, Fratello and Sorella. She's only 3 years old, but had terrible periodontal disease. She had some pain while chewing (a subtle sign her owner noticed), and an area with gum infection over one tooth. However, Xrays revealed that she needed 4 molars pulled! Poor baby. She looks so much like my cats - tiny and soft like her daughter Sorella, but with the same markings and whiskers as her son Fratello.

I hope they didn't inherit her dental genes...


Emily said...

She does look familiar! I'm sure you'll keep a good eye on your kitties' teeth to prevent as much loss as possible. Do you brush their teeth? Can't imagine that going over well with my Sabrina!

mainlyclearskies said...

Pretty cat! Tooth pain is bad. I'm glad her owner noticed her discomfort and got it taken care of right away.

peevish said...

Good luck with the dental genes.

She's pretty!

My word verif. is "morked".