Rub-a-dub-dub, 4 friends in the tub! Thanksgiving table, almost ready to go... Anna insisted we all play Monopoly. She got all 4 railroads and both utilities, then loaded up her properties with houses and hotels. She happily bankrupted us all.
The tub picture made me laugh because it reminds me of a similar pic I took of my daughter, son, and friends when they were very young. Everyone was in the big tub laughing and covered in bubbles. Fast-forward 13 years when my 16 yr old son saw the photo of himself and the now beautiful teen girl in his calculus class--he nearly died of embarrassment! haha
I love my husband Anthony, my kids Anna and Colin, and my job as a small animal vet. I also love cooking for family and friends, drinking red wine, and jogging around the lake with my dog Francesca.
so! much! fun!
The tub picture made me laugh because it reminds me of a similar pic I took of my daughter, son, and friends when they were very young. Everyone was in the big tub laughing and covered in bubbles. Fast-forward 13 years when my 16 yr old son saw the photo of himself and the now beautiful teen girl in his calculus class--he nearly died of embarrassment! haha
Noah also bankrupts us regularly in Monopoly. How do they do it?!
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