Monday, November 23, 2009


OK, I fell off the PoMo wagon.  We've had multiple house guests, parties to host, home improvement projects, as well as all the usual activities.

I am slightly sad not to have made my commitment this year, but please know it is because I am having WAY too much fun.  And this is just the start of the crazy holiday rollercoaster!  Hopefully, I'll come up for air occasionally between now and New Years!


Unknown said...

technically it says 30 posts in 30 days. does it specify how you spread them? I think they should move to a slower month like February.

peevish said...

It is SO MUCH more important to have fun than to blog about it.

peevish said...

All I can think about is Anthony giving me hard time about posting so many videos to fill my quota.

Is he blogging, btw?

get2eric said...

'sno biggee

go on a cruise. you get 15 days off