Saturday, October 01, 2005

Again, Me.

This morning Anna was at my bedside at 7:20 am. I convinced her to crawl in bed with me, where she snuggled but fidgeted nonstop. Finally she looked at the clock and said, "Seven Four One. What does that mean, Mommy? I'm hungry, let's get up. Come Onnnn-nuh." I said it meant it was way to early to be up, but I got up anyway.

Colin was awake in his crib, so I got him up, too. Moments later, we were all sitting on the kitchen floor, holding hands in a circle, while I took turns kissing them on the neck, tickling them. They howled with laughter, and demanded another round. "Again, me!" Colin would say. How could I not oblige?

Later, we all 4 went to the local organic farm, where Anthony and I looked at the vegetables and Colin and Anna played in the dirt. As Anthony observed, Mommy was in demand. At least every 20 minutes, someone required a hug, an observation of a minor physical feat (Mommy, watch this!), or complete undivided attention as a anecdote was retold. Usually, all at the same time. After 2 days of working, my family has missed me. Anthony said he felt sorry for me, even as he wanted to reconnect, too. Maybe it was the lack of tantrums or peed-thru bottoms, but I didn't mind the clamoring so much today. Today, it was nice to reconnect and be the center of their universe (although I may have spaced out a few times, just trying to think my own thoughts).


Jessica said...

Awww! I'm happy you had time to reconnect with Anna and Colin! :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh heck, have asked for it now!! the kids will wake you every morning at that time ...maybe even earlier if they are going to get kisses and hugs from their Mommy :o)xx

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Jenn do you remember the wonder of what used to be a "lie-in" in the morning, that lovely feeling of waking, looking at the clock, seeing it's only 8.00am, realising there is no work today (yippee!) turning over and falling into a cozy, uninterrupted slumber? And then eventually it happens .... (fanfare!) the arrival of your first born and, with it, the end of the the lie-in!! But, hey, they are worth it (aren't they?)!! Just for the record, 6.00am this morning and in a bad mood (Luke, not me - well only a little bit!) XX

Julie said...

Yup--it's early for you every morning now. :) Kisses and cuddles from mommy, or stay in bed....hmmm.....let me see...
I love days like that, though, when everyone wants to hang out with mommy and it doesn't matter what you're doing. It makes everything worthwhile. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you had a good weekend with your kiddos!!!!

They're such sweeties!


Emily said...

As Paula wrote, it's all a trade-off: I had a very quiet Sunday: slept in, had breakfast late and painted my bathroom. But it was sooo quiet. I love those little ones and miss them.