Thursday, September 01, 2011

There's only one thing that's as good as BACON and that's BACON!

Last Saturday I was not working, so I cooked my family a nice breakfast.  I pulled out that package of Niman Ranch Bacon and made eggs from my hens.  I like to cook the bacon in the oven, but it takes some minding, and turning.  The last time I put it in the oven, I forgot to set the timer.  My nose reminded me to check, too late.

"Damn it, I burned the bacon.  Anna!  Open the back door!"  I took the smoking pan out to the patio and let it cool on the grill.  I came in, steaming myself.  "I've been working on that bacon for 20 minutes!  I can't believe I let it burn!"

I looked at Colin, and his face crumpled.  Then he ran into his room, crying.  Crying, because of the loss of bacon.  I think I yelled something about me being the one who was working so hard on it.   But he couldn't hear me over the wailing.

As it turned out, a few minutes later I checked on the bacon, and only the ends were burnt.  I broke them off and put the extra crispy bacon in Colin's breakfast taco.  He found some solace in that.

Anna ate the burnt bits despite the carbon texture.


Anonymous said...

Oooh,I love Bacon,Jennifer,especially as a sandwich mmmm Bacon is one of the foods I cannot resist..just by the smell of it :) Chips (English ones) are my next choice. :)

Aunty Norma.x Better keep a closer watch next time,missus :)

get2eric said...

Try frying prosciutto..(only a minute each side) gives bacon a run for the money's better for you - less fat.

Unknown said...

I sent a comment, but it might have been incinerated by the crappy internet connection we have these days. Anyway, it said you can do it in the oven without flipping. Just get a cookie sheet with a rim and an air-pocket. Put it on much lower than you otherwise would. I put mine in at 250 degrees at 6:15 and by the time everyone is dressed and in the kitchen it is crisp and ready. No flipping required!

Lisa said...

Well, bacon is something to look forward to. Poor Colin. I'm glad it was not too badly burned.

I recently bought TWO packages of good Whole Foods meat market bacon for BLT's. Our garden is overflowing with tomatoes.

Alissa said...

I hate it when the bacon burns. glad it was savable!