Sunday, July 13, 2008

Una cartolina da Italia

Ciao, amici! Sorry to be gone for so long. I actually have missed the internet, reading all your blogs etc. We gave the laptop to Anthony's uncle Volker when we got to Germany, and since then its been hard to get internet access. When you are staying with friends its kinda rude to monopolize their computer updating your blog, and anyway I'd rather talk to the Italians than be so antisocial.

We have spent the past 4 days on the Italian riviera - the vacation from the vacation - relaxing, eating lots of gelato, drinking lots of cappucino and vino, eating incredible handmade pesto, fish caught the night before... so sad to think tonight is our last night. We'll spend a night in Milano before our long journey home.

It has been the trip of a lifetime. The kids love Europe, love the trains, love the food, love the beauty of the countryside. Looking back at the photos of England -- it seems so long ago. We packed it all in and are ALMOST ready to go home.

So, ci vidiamo piu tardi (see you soon) - I'm sure I'll spend many hours posting pictures and details in the next week. Right now there's a train to catch to go to the beach in Monterosso. Ciao ciao ciao!!


grandad says said...

It's nice to see an update. We have been looking daily. Glad everything is going well and the kids liked it so much.
We are off to Nantucket manana. We haven't seen any G'kids since Evesham!
Colin still wearing his cap?

peevish said...

We can't wait to hear & see more! Thanks for the update, and have a good trip home. ciao!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm so glad to hear all's well. Can't beat travel to broaden all our horizons and make life even sweeter, eh?

Dana said...

I'm glad the kids are enjoying their experience. I'm still jealous, though! You're clients are dying for you to come back--not literally. You are missed much. Can't wait to see pictures.

mainlyclearskies said...

Hope you have a safe trip home! Looking forward to hearing much more about your trip.

Krispy said...

Ah, the Italian Riviera is lovely! It was a complete surprise when we went. I'm enjoying your trip!

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