Sunday, July 30, 2006

A sappy post

Today I jogged with Francesca, did laundry, and washed my car. I never used to wash the minivan, but the Highlander is so pretty, and I am so proud of it, I'll brave the 99 degree heat to clean it.

Anna helped me some, then played with her dad's nuts and bolts in the garage. Francesca was tethered to a tree (so she could be "with us"), and after a while she got so hot she started whining.

"What's the matter, girl? Why are you so sad?" I asked her.

Anna said, "I'm not sad, Mommy. I'm happy." And I thought: me, too. After working all week, it is so nice to have a couple of days off to be lazy (ie sleep in until 7:45!) and do domestic chores.

I laughed and said, "Yeah, Anna, I'm happy, too."


Emily said...

I'm glad you and Anna are happy, and I'm glad you're keeping that beautiful car clean! :-)

paula said...

That is so great, especially impressed that you washed the car in all that heat ... way to go. And what's with all this sleeping in until that time ..... how do you manage that? Luke wakes me up at 6.00am every morning without fail.

Unknown said...

Could we see more Francesca pics if you've got any? I feel funny not having met this member of your family yet. At least I could see her in the blogospere...