Monday, April 04, 2005

Post Party Happy Buzz

The Princess Party was a complete success. The weather was beautiful -- warm sun with a cool breeze. All the princess guests showed up, nearly all of the little girls in costume, and seemed to have a great time. We started out with a great craft, making Princess Crowns. All the party ideas I got from the internet. I took free Burger King Crowns, had Anthony spray paint them gold, and the kids glued on plastic jewels. We played "Pin the Kiss on the Frog Prince," but my other games I decided to forgo since the kids were having such a good time, just playing in the sunshine on the playscape. We did slay the dragon pinata, eat pizza, and cakes.

People are always surprised that I don't make (or buy) the cakes. But, with talent like my husband and his mother, there is no need. It's great because then I can concentrate on the other party details. It was, in fact, the Princess cake that inspired the whole princess theme this year. Behold, princess cake made by Marion:


Unknown said...

It was a gorgeous day, a beautiful cake and a wonderful party.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous cakes! Marion really outdid herself with the Princess and Castle cakes!! Nana

Anonymous said...

I followed your link from the babycenter website (The Ben & Birdy bulletin board). I also have a 4 year old daughter (1/01) and then a 1 year old son (3/04- a year younger than yours). I was planning to do a princess party for her 5th, I like your pin the kiss on the frog idea!! Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your blog, I have one on xanga myself. I'll probably come back to read more from time to time.